No. Tansega is a registered company with the purpose of connecting dreams and transforming lives.
Yes. Tansega undertakes sustainable CSR projects for and on behalf of our clients. Tansega’s CSR model ensures that our client’s funds go into the project to be undertaken; and then the client pays Tansega for the services rendered. See our ‘Services’ page for more information
Sustainability has become a critical part of organisations, especially businesses due to the negative effects of climate change on environment. Other environmental organisations offer classic textbook definitions of terminologies and examples which may not be relevant to Ghana or Africa; thus, making it difficult to outline key actions relevant for real change. At Tansega, we recognize the need to introduce sustainable concepts to our clients, but we focus on helping them translate those concepts and new learnings into actionable steps to support management decision, daily choices and corporate reporting.
Yes. A certificate is given to each participant in a training programme.